Sunday 1 August 2021

Batman List Discussion- Knightmare Batman

 Starting something new now with a series on how I build lists around certain characters and why, with one of my favourite versions of Batman to use- Knightmare Batman. This version of Batman is very different from most as he is covered in guns and a really lethal threat, and he focuses the list a bit into that direction as well. I'll go through 2 different lists and how the variations change how it plays, but mainly how they enable Knightmare Batman to do what he wants to do the most. 

Batman (Knightmare)

-Upgraded Batsuit

Robin (Damian Wayne)



-Street Patrol

-Patrol Training

Alfred Pennyworth

GCPD Cop 1

Harvey Bullock


GCPD Detective


This is one of my favourite lists to play in the entire faction, just because I love how it plays. Lerida and Damian are really reliable threats and there's very easy ways to chuck out a bunch of markers without even relying on being near Batman (meaning most things can be operating independently). You're doing good amounts of damage both in blood and stun plus the access to Arrest means you can pretty easily be scoring all the cards you want to. 

Wrong Place Kid

Back to Arkham

Get Them Off The Streets

Non-Lethal Ammo

Secure the Perimeter


They Won't See Me Coming

Unveiling the Truth

Catch a Bullet

Die Hard


Batman (Knightmare)

-Upgraded Batsuit

Red Hood (Arkham Knight)

-Martial Arts Training

-Deadly Weapons

Alfred Pennyworth


GCPD Cop 1

Harvey Bullock


-Street Patrol

GCPD Detective


While the Damian version of the list is a bit more varied in terms of the models in it, this one is focused primarily on shooting and brings Red Hood as the faster model to hit where its needed. 

Seeking Revenge

Wrong Place Kid

Back to Arkham

Get Them Off The Streets

Non-Lethal Ammo

Secure the Perimeter


They Won't See Me Coming

Unveiling the Truth

Catch a Bullet

Die Hard


Both crews have the standard for Batman crews with Bullock and a Detective, and it's the same deck based a lot around them pulling weight. Using your damage dealers to hunt threats to the main scorers and hopefully also score for you at the same time you should be able to force the opponent into making bad decisions and either leaving Batman/Lerida/Damian/Red Hood to get to Bullock and the Detective or instead trying to keep themselves safer and letting your scorers do what they want to and help you build a lead. 

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