Monday 15 February 2021

Oracle- BMG Model Review

 Back to BMG with what is easily one of the best models anywhere that can take her, Oracle! A really valuable add to any Batman, Teen Titans, Bat-Family or Birds of Prey crew because of how she manipulates the table and the cards she plays with, plus she's a really characterful sculpt that I like a lot. 


A card almost entirely based around objective play and suspect markers, Oracle is really great at playing an objective game and controlling board state. Informer is always great for free pass tokens, especially at her cheap cost, while both Scheming and Hacking let her easily move around markers and put things where they need to be (your suspects where you can score, opponents where they won't or even lamps/sewers in more opportune places). Intel Support is her jankiest rule (now shared with the new Riddler model) and it basically details how she isn't technically on the table and thus can't die. It means she is a guaranteed shoe-in for Die Hard and cards that need to kill the enemy boss is also impossible when Oracle is the boss (more likely mid-late game but you could still hire her as the boss). The only way she takes damage is is 4 suspect markers get removed, but she can then come back at the cost of an audacity marker and keep going at her game. In general, Oracle is a very versatile piece and does a lot of work to help your crew win games just by being taken in your list. 

Unique Objective- Webmaster

Oracle's objective is played in phase 1 but scored at the end of the turn, meaning with what you need to score it it's decently hard if you're not building for it. Choosing a friendly model is definitely better than it being enemy, but needing 6 suspects within 8" is a lot and you need to set it up somewhat in advance otherwise it'll become a turn where the opponent can quite easily dedicate resources to stopping it (removing markers, killing or pulling the model out of position)

The resource is amazing, and being able to move a huge amount of markers 2" for just 1 resource point can change games depending on what you move and when. It also gets the card out of your hand when you couldn't score the points from it. 

Batman Crew

Of all the crews she's in Batman plays the suspect game the hardest with things like Snitch and Secure the Perimeter, so she's a super easy slot in to get those. She doesn't redefine the playstyle of the faction, more doubles down on it and makes it very tough to face. 

Birds of Prey

She doesn't do anything particularly game-breaking in Birds compared to elsewhere (and even locks you out of a lot of options with her also being Batman affiliate) but she is still as good as ever. As a surprise attack angle with Sisters in Arms, or even just boosting the regular suspect game while shutting off opponents she's easily worth the rep if you want to slot her in. 

Bat-Family and Teen Titans

Both teams that already have team-wide Inspire access, she turns them into suspect machines on top of already being tough as nails with their selection variety. The big thing here though is giving them access to Birds of Prey objectives though, which is really amazing and her biggest boon in terms of tailoring team lists to one specific build. Sisters in Arms is always insanely good in terms of damage output via the resource, and No Protection Needed, Aerie Two and the Nest all have potential in either team. Hacking also plays really nicely with the League of Shadows objectives that require specific placement in relation to enemy models and with Damian in the same team list this is easily achievable and works fantastically. 

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