Tuesday 10 March 2020

On the Table- BMG, Warcry

Hi again all, with another update on my hobby progress. Branching out a lot more lately and the last couple weeks I've been jumping around a lot more.

The local Blood Bowl 7s league started over the weekend, and I managed to get 2 games in. Despite losing 2-0 vs Chaos and 2-1 vs Skaven, I managed to avoid any serious injuries and get a few skill ups that mean I should be well off for later in the league. Planning on finishing up my last 3 models once the current stuff is finished off and keen for more games!

I've still been working away at my Batman backlog, focusing on getting specific things done in batches. This batch has been "rich people and Donna Troy" as I'm finishing off Bruce Wayne, 2 versions of Lex Luthor and obviously Donna Troy. That then finishes off my Teen Titans and Organised Crime collections, and only 7 more models to go for Batman once these are done (the new Batman and Gordon models from the starter set, the old comic Katana, DKR Scarecrow, sniper Deadshot, new Ra's and Ubu). I'm still playing away with my Batman crew, although once Donna is done I'm going to be playing Teen Titans a lot more to try and work things out with them.

To break up painting for the same game over and over, I decided to start painting my Chimera for use in Warcry. It's so far the only thing I've started for the game (although I'm planning to paint my Untamed Beasts soon) and its been really enjoyable to get it quickly done. Big monsters aren't something I usually do so it's been a nice change of pace.

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