Saturday 18 September 2021

BMG Model Review and List Discussion- The Flash (TV)

 A bit of a hybrid post today, I've decided to talk about one of my favourite models in the game and one that's a little bit tougher to use for a couple of reasons at this point in 3rd edition. The Flash has always been one of my favourite models to use, and definitely one of my favourite characters in DC in general. Obviously he is primarily about speed, and you can use that to your advantage in a lot of ways in game even without having access to Speedster rules yet. 

In a Batman crew, Flash occupies an interesting role as he can take on a few different tasks and do all of them effectively, but he does cost a lot for that luxury. Being a Sidekick he can lead a crew, which isn't a terrible option but also isn't great either (a fast solo operator doesn't play nicely with Inspire, and you will also want other hitters to put out some hurt) so I would only really do this to be able to take him and another Free Agent if that is the main intention of your list. Pairing him with a Batman is also very expensive, but it does the job of having a bit more of a big hitter and then using Flash to run objectives and Arrest what Batman takes out. Flash and Snitch are a match made in heaven, because he can almost guarantee later in a turn that he can get to where the enemy can't to deny it being scored and he can also zip in to deny enemy cards as well should he have to with his huge movement of 16" and Detective giving him a potential of 19" Manipulating range. He can get to 5 attack dice and the opponent can't Effort against it, but that isn't really great because you're not doing damage reliably enough to anything, being better off using his Speed Force counters to give him 2 free defence counters if he gets attacked in melee and saving his Tactical Action for Manipulates. Overall he synergises very well with the Batman deck because he can score almost any card if he has to, and I really like him in that regard. 

I'll put 2 examples for lists here, one with Knightmare Batman (because as always, he is my favourite Batman to use) and one with Bruce Wayne for a bit more of a focused list. 

Knightmare Batman

-Upgraded Batsuit

The Flash (TV)

-Batman Inc

-Martial Arts Training

Alfred Pennyworth


Sgt Harvey Bullock


-Street Patrol

GCPD Detective



GCPD Cop 1

Almost every model in the list is a Detective (or Veteran) and has Arrest which gives a lot of angles to get your cards scored, and anything with positioning needed is very easily done between the crew. It doesn't have huge amounts of damage in it, but it does have speed and the ability to get markers down exactly where they're needed right from the start of the game. 

Die Hard


Get Them Off The Streets

Non-Lethal Ammo

Secure the Perimeter


They Won't See Me Coming

Wait for Backup

Unveiling the Truth

Back to Arkham

Wrong Place, Kid

Bruce Wayne

-Upgraded Batsuit

The Flash (TV)

-Batman Inc

-Martial Arts Training



Sgt Harvey Bullock


GCPD Detective


GCPD Cop 1

GCPD Cop 2

This list is a bit more well-rounded and brings a ton to the table. Harry is a really good gun piece that synergises well with the amount of Arrests the crew brings, and Strategist is always good, Bruce is still a good hitter that can do a lot of work while also supporting the crew around him and Flash does Flash things.  

Die Hard


Stake Your Claim

Get Them Off The Streets

Secure the Perimeter


They Won't See Me Coming

Unveiling the Truth

Back to Arkham

Wrong Place, Kid

In Team Arrow, his role as "expensive objective scorer" is just as apparent, but he becomes a lot more efficient. Being able to be inspired by Green Arrow (who himself has a very good model in his new version) gives you a really good objective runner who can get to pretty much anywhere he needs to at any time to score points. While still not a great fighter, he is defensive enough and mobile that you can just use him to reliably place suspects and do the occasional Arrest when you can (I probably wouldn't recommend taking any cards for Arrest in Team Arrow because Flash is the only one that can do it). With that said, you're mostly just looking at some of the mainstays of Team Arrow otherwise, be that Katana, Huntress or Canary for access to Birds of Prey cards and Captain Cold for literally everything, I would play some kind of list like this using Flash in Team Arrow crews. 

Green Arrow


-Tactical Gloves

-Red Dot

The Flash (TV)

Captain Cold

BOP Katana/Black Canary (Rebirth)/BOP Huntress

The list is fairly self-explanatory- Cold and GA shoot things pretty well, GA gives everyone Inspire and Flash runs around and does work as well. The last slot I think is fairly contested, because the 3 options I listed all give you a great deck to pull from with Birds of Prey (although this may very well change soon with new team rules) and all give you a very useful tool to use. Huntress helps you massively double down on shooting and is a decent melee model when she needs to be, Katana is a really great melee model, and Canary is very good control on top of fairly average but reliable melee. I would probably lean towards Katana because she has the biggest role in terms of covering bases for the list, but any will work IMO. 

I won't be putting a deck together for this one, purely because I'm not sure yet just how much they will be changing with new team rules and I expect to be updating this post when those and updated Speedster rules are released. 

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