Wednesday 25 November 2020

Battlefleet Heresy- The Descent of Angels

Over the last couple months I've been working away at a new fleet for Battlefleet Gothic using the Battlefleet Heresy fleet lists (although this fleet is also mostly legal as a Chaos fleet as well). I'm playing them as Dark Angels, my favourite Legion, and they're at a stage now where they're almost entirely completed. 

As for the breakdown of what I own, I'll explain it now. The Desolator is because the Battlefleet Heresy document bases the Invincible Reason flagship off of a Desolator so that's what I built, while the Repulsive Grand Cruisers are because I'm a huge fan of the aesthetic and rules of that ship and having 2 represents the strength of the Dark Angels in their technology. 

Otherwise it's 2 sets of 2 cruisers- 2 Strike Cruisers and 2 Devastation Cruisers. This is where my ideas of the Hexagrammaton blending into the fleet elements comes in as the Devastations are absolutely a part of the Stormwing and thus built around launching boarding actions through their carrier ships and the Strike Cruisers are built for Ravenwing styles of swift engagement. Everything else in the fleet (other than the Invincible Reason as the Legion flagship) then is part of the Dreadwing, as they are my favourite of the Wings. 

My fleet list is as follows, obviously themed around being a Legion fleet with the above choices

Astartes Master of the Fleet
-1 Reroll

Desolator Class Battleship
- Space Marines

Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser
-Space Marines

Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser
-Space Marines

Devastation Class Cruiser
-Space Marines

Devastation Class Cruiser
-Space Marines

Astartes Strike Cruiser
-2 Bombardment Cannons

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