Saturday 11 April 2020

BMG- Battle Royale! 3rd edition

As a bit of a project lately I have been working on updating some scenarios so that they are more 3rd edition appropriate. The first of these is my Battle Royale! scenario which was previously on my old blog for 2nd edition, and the 3rd edition update can be found below. The intention is for super quick character skirmishes with the big named heroes duking it out instead of regular crews being played as a sort of DCU-lite but with BMG rules and characters. 

- Players have up to 250 reputation and $1000 funding to purchase a crew
- A maximum of 3 models can be chosen
- Normal restrictions on Free Agents and Sidekicks do not apply, and a Leader or Sidekick Boss is not necessary, although what is chosen must be able to normally be taken together e.g. Hawkman and Hawkgirl are both available in Batman or Team Arrow crews so are a legal choice, while Batman and Deathstroke are not available in any way and as such are not legal

Scenario- 2 players
- Deployment is a 24”x24” square, with each player being able to deploy in base contact with a single board edge on opposite sides of the table. This may be affected by traits such as Hidden and Undercover
- Players assemble a deck of 10 cards. Character specific cards are in addition to this number
- 2 Plot cards are selected

Multiplayer Scenario- 3-4 players 
- The same rules apply as in the 2-player scenario, except for deployment- model bases must be partially within 2 inches from a single corner for each player
- The player who takes the lead each turn chooses the order in which activation will be done

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